Thursday, February 2, 2012

I've decided what my blog is going to be

I have decided that I want my blog to be about acne and how to cure it.
 I am a huge fan of natural remedies, especially me being a poor person, (I'm not like poor poor kind of person but I'm not well off lol) I can't afford to spend $50 on a skin care kit. It really bothered me when I bought proactive and it didn't work as well as I wanted it to. Probably because you have to use it a bit longer but I was running low and didn't do all of the steps. I know, I'm just kind of babbling aimlessly along but stick with me please. It gets good, I promise. Proactive then stopped working. Any who, I decided to try and find natural cures or home made remedies. I have oily skin and sometimes combination. So I'm mostly going to do blogs about those skin types but I won't forget about you other skin types. A couple of good things for oily skin is oat meal, basil, honey, strawberries and yogurt. I like to make a mask using oat meal, honey and yogurt. Sometimes I'll add strawberries. Any way, just add 1/3 cup of oat meal, 1/3 of yogurt and 2 teaspoons of honey. This is what I usually do and it's fine. Or you could just do a water and oat meal mask. Just blend the oat meal in a blender and then add water. I have never done that myself. But I heard it's great. Now with the basil you boil a cup of water and then steep a couple tablespoons of it for 5 minutes. Then using a cotton ball dab it on your skin for 10-20 minutes. Then wash off. When you have oily skin it is good to wash your face twice a day. I usually just use a cheap make up wipe, it also gets all the nasty oil off your face so when you apply your foundation, it stays better. Having a primer, a foundation for your skin type and a powder and you will keep the shine from showing through. I thankfully never had that problem. I will put more blogs up later with more tips and another one for dry and normal skin types. I am also thinking about doing videos on YouTube but I'm not sure yet. Hope this helps my lovelies(:

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